Top Hat

HOPs performed Top Hat at the Royal Hall in Harrogate in June 2018. 

The all singing, all dancing hit was intense for the leads Jerry Travers and Dale Tremont, (played by Jenny Hirst and Stuart Hutchinson), with plenty of quick costume changes and full on dance routines.

The large chorus were fantastic supports for the lead characters and joined them in a number of ballroom and tap numbers. The effects of around 30 performers in top hat and tails, tapping to "Puttin On The Ritz" was a sight to behold and gave audiences goosebumps.

The story of Top Hat The Musical- based on the 1935 film starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, sees American dancer Jerry come to London to star in a show which is produced by Horace Hardwick. He attempts to impress Dale when he meets her, and it all goes a bit messy from there...

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